Notes on Model Makers:

  1. These are only meant as aids for users to assemble data.  The fallback is to build an import from a standard format (open any scenario and go to:  Magic Sextant>>Export>>scenario) 
  2. The model makers are limited because they have a hidden table of postal codes—it is attempting to “pre-geocode” in order to save time--if we can lookup the postal code lat/long, you will not have to wait for them to run through our geocode service.  It is very probable that there are some postal codes that do not match. (unhide the postal code tab to see).
  3. The shipments model maker is trying to auto-aggregate ship to points so it actually needs to match postal codes.  The fallback for this is to use the components model maker and create your own aggregation scheme or to just let the miss-matched codes slipped (often this is about 1% of all codes) 


  1. You can always use the pure import/export format and structure everything appropriately.  On nodes, you can put any geocodeable string into the Location column and it will be resolved on import--NOTE: make sure the country code is included inside the string.