PROBLEM: This can either be logic or a data naming problem.
THINGS TO LOOK FOR - IN DATA: You are loading a database so it is very important that you get your data to match precisely. If you use a name for a node, it has to be EXACTLY the same in every tab
- Non-numbers where numbers should be--look for "N/A" or "Div by 0" or any other odd character in your data columns
- Capitalization in consistency
- Leading or trailing spaces
- Country codes that are not 2 character or are wrong (CN is China not Canada)
- Numeric fields with 0s, NAs, or anything that is not a real value
- Origins and destinations need to be in that order--material cannot flow from a destination to an origin
- Is there demand on customer nodes?
- Is there supply for every product?
The best way to create a good upload is to start with a model maker and read the instructions for each column.