Here are the possible problems:

- No supply for products

- No demand for products

- No lanes to connect supply to demand

- Lanes are in the wrong direction to facilitate flow

Here are some things you can try:

  1. Confirm you have demand on your customer nodes
    1. left click on any customer
    2. Click on its name in the inspector
    3. Scroll down to make sure that there is an entry in the demand section for a valid product (make note of the product name)
  2. Confirm you have a supply for your products
    1. left click on the node you believe is your supply facility (the first node in your supply chain)
    2. Click on its name in the inspector
    3. Scroll down to make sure that supply is enabled for all products this node should be supplying
  3. Confirm you have lanes that connect the supply node all the way to the demand node
    1. Walk through all the lanes that lead from the supply node to the customer node

Other things to try:

- Click and drag all nodes to see if geocoding them will fix it

- Delete all lanes and try to connect a supply node directly to a customer node--as a test

Here is a great tip:   Delete all customers but 1 and see if you can create a path from a supply facility to that customer.