
  • Move to Neo4J Graph database
  • CO2 as a metric and objective
  • Clustering of customer nodes on map
  • Whole model import/export
  • Enable/disable automatic calculations
  • Master Report export and xlsx format
  • Composite activity format
  • Infeasibility reporting for flow constraints
  • Mixed mode delivery to customers

New URL:


Here is what you will see:


  • Graph Database:  the platform now runs 100% on the Graph Database.  For those of you who do not know, Graph is a next generation data storage and access system.  It surpasses relational databases in its ability to represent more complex models and opens the door for deeper analysis, easier integrations, and inclusion of AI and ML methods in the future.  For now, look for the ability to load bigger datasets, and speed improvement in solving and rendering.


  • CO2 Emissions:  Check out the ability to assign emissions to any activity in any node.  Also see that our reference data includes common coefficients to calculate freight emissions by mode.  You will also be able to optimize for CO2—find the minimum or set a target cap.   Try this, go to the sextant and find this solver:

  • Clustering of Customer Nodes:  Did you find that your browser was slow with 6,000 customer nodes?  Now take a look, if you have over a threshold of 1000 customers, you will see that we cluster them for you to reduce the load on the browser and make your experience more interactive.   Just zoom in to see the detail:





  • Model Export/Import: Have you ever wanted to edit a model’s configuration and BOM tables in a spreadsheet? Try this, export a model (sextant>>export>>model). And you will see a complete export. It is a zip file with all scenarios and model configuration settings. Make edits and then re-import as a new model. 
  • Enable/Disable Auto-calculation:  For those of you who like to make a number of changes in the visual interface but don’t want to wait for the scenario to re-optimize after every move, try this: Go to the sextant and toggle auto-recalc mode off!  Now make a bunch of changes and THEN trigger a recalculation. 



  • Reports:  Reports now include a complete export of a model in relational database tables. Use this to populate a database or other BI system and create custom reports using all available data from the model.  These reports are also in xlsx form so can be up to 1MM rows.  Go to sextant>>reports and pick either "Master Reports" or "Summary Reports":




  • Composite Activity Format:  Activities are now condensed into a single row of data in the interface and on the scenario import export.  You can now create hybrids of “system generated” activities that are driven by reference data and user controlled.

  • Capacity Constraints and infeasibility reporting: You can now see what constraints are infeasible.  In the event of infeasibilities, the solver will return a solution and you can see a warning icon that indicates the node or the lane where the infeasible constraint exists.  It will also be identified on the map.  Look for the warning in the scoreboard:

A picture containing text, screenshot, map, diagram 
Description automatically generated




Other Things to Know

  • Existing models can be opened in the new site and all data will be converted to the updated format.  Once the model is converted, any changes made to the model or scenario in either environment are isolated from each other. Note, the legacy url ( will be forwarded to the new URL after 30 September 2023.
  • You may see changes in solving with constraints and fixed costs in the scenario.  NDO now treats fixed costs with a more accurate allocation and constraints that cause infeasibilities will be relaxed and reported in the scoreboard.
  • Any users who are on the Beta (test) site will need to export models (sextant>>export>>model) and re-import into the new URL.  Thank you for helping us prove out this major release.
  • Demand data can be loaded with a "preferred mode".   This mode will supersede the mode on the inbound lane.  And the feature can be used to serve customers by a variety of modes.