Logility NDO's Enterprise solution affords users the ability to either modify NDO's existing solver architecture to incorporate additional constraints which are not present in the base set of solvers or connect to their own solver scripts.
Modifying Existing Solvers
Hard or soft constraints such as distance-based service constraints or group constraints such as those for a set of products or facilities can be incorporated into the existing solver framework provided that the constraints fit within the underlying solving framework. Contact your account representative for more information about what is or is not within scope.
Custom Scripts
Users also have the ability to upload their own scripts written in languages such as Python which can range from optimization models written using a preferred mathematical optimization library and utilizing non-Logility solving technology, for instance, to forecasting scripts which can modify demands or costs based on data present in the model. As long as Starboard's present import structure can be fed into the script, and similarly that the output can be translated into Starboard's output structure, then users can expand the functionality of the tool however they see fit.