Output reports can be accessed via the "Reports..." portion of the Magic Sextant.
Types of Reports
There are currently 3 available output reports, each of which are separated by model and scenario (e.g., a report for a model with 3 scenarios will contain the corresponding output for each of those scenarios in the same report file):
Served Customers - This report provides an overview of all flow to customers (in addition, if there are any unserved customers in your model, they will appear in the report without a service facility). Here, the output will be grouped by source, destination (only customers), and product. The relevant metrics that can be obtained are the Cost to Serve, Service Time, End-to-End Service Time, and Service Distance.
Activities with Flow - This report provides an overview of all activities in your model. The output is grouped by source, destination, and activity name (therefore, if you want to separate activities by product, the activities should be named in a manner that will allow for distinguishing among the products). The individual activities affecting the cost, time, and distance for a flow from a source to a destination will be outlined here.
Lane Product Flow - This report provides an overview of product flow on the lanes in your model. The output is grouped by source, destination, product, and mode of transportation. Accordingly, this report is centered around transportation costs, times, and distances as the costs for a scenario will sum up to the total transportation cost for that scenario.