
Creating an Import File

To get started, template import files can be found in the "Downloads" section of the Tactician's Corner. Here, you'll find template files for North America, Europe, and India in addition to proxy demand files based on the populations of North American zip codes and metro areas. 

These files are .xlsm files and contain explanations for how to use them. In short, they consist of several tabs which outline "Required" and "Optional" fields, and upon inputting your data, you can select "Click to Build NAVIGATOR Import File" in the "Instructions" tab which will build the .xls import file for uploading to Navigator.

However, here I will go over how to create an import file from scratch.

Above is an image of an empty import file. 

Here is a list of each of the available table with their respective fields which you can use to build your model.

  • Nodes -> Name, Type, Location Name (can be used in absence of other location data in some cases - use "City, Country" or "Postal Code, Country" format), Postal Code, Latitude, Longitude, Country Code, Icon

  • Capacities -> Node Name, Product, Capacity

  • Lanes -> Origin Name, Destination Name, Link Name, Mode

  • Activities -> Node/Origin Name, Destination Name, Activity Name, Product Name, Cost, Time, Distance, Weight Break, Mode (Info Only)

  • Sources -> Node Name, Product

  • Demands -> Customer Name, Amount, Average Order Size, Product

You don't need to have every table in your import file nor do you need every field filled out in the sheets that are present. The only essential table is the Nodes table, which any other table present in your file must reference, i.e., the other tables need various Origin and Destination fields filled out and the names in those fields must correspond to a Name in the Nodes table. 

Uploading an Import File

By opening the Magic Sextant, you can select Import...which will bring up a window allowing you to browse your local files for an import .xls file. 

In addition, you can drag and drop a .xls file from a folder onto the browser window itself which will give you options to either create a new scenario or to import that file into the current scenario.




The export option found in the Sextant will generate the corresponding input file that would generate the scenario from which you are exporting. This can be useful if you've done a good amount of work on your scenario in the tool itself and want to "save" that work outside the model, e.g., to analyze activity costs or add a candidate list of facilities such that everything is contained in one file.


There are three different reports that can be generated with Navigator, in addition to a standard PPT presentation (this can be customized for Enterprise users). 

  1. Served Customers -> Model NameScenario NameCustomer NameSource FacilityService Facility, Product, FlowCost to Serve, Service Time, E2E Service Time, Service Distance

  2. Activities with Flow -> Model NameScenario Name, Node/Origin Name, Destination Name, Activity Name, Flow, Cost, Time, Distance, Total Cost

  3. Lane Product Flow -> Model NameScenario NameOrigin TypeOrigin NameDestination TypeDestination Name, Product NameMode, Flow, Cost, Time, Distance, Total Cost