That is an emphatic Yes!
Here are the layers of security you experience with Logility:
Access and session security: You Network Optimization session is first authenticated by Auth0 a world class identity platform. With this single sign on, you can open a session with Navigator, manage your account, and access any authorized features (enterprise).
Models and scenarios folders: Your models, scenarios, and all uploaded data is stored inside a dedicated Amazon Web Services (AWS) folder. These folder are only accessed with appropriate Auth0 identification and their physical and cyber security is subject to the highest compliance programs available. See their credentials here: AWS COMPLIANCE - please note this is good enough for the United States Department of Defense.
File Format and Readability: And if that were not enough, the file is saved in binary format and is unreadable.
And just to be clear, data is not co-mingled in a database, table, or any shared environment.
For further legalese, please read our PRIVACY POLICY