DESCRIPTION: Greenfield solving is the ability to generate new SERVICE FACILITIES for a supply chain. All that is required is a set of CUSTOMER NODES. The solve will create either a generic service node or will clone an existing node with all of its inbound lanes and activities. Starboard's greenfield solver is easier and far more accurate than center of gravity because it respects real costs, real driving times, and inbound costs.
1. Open a solver (Solve for X, Solve for Next X, or Solve for Target Service Level)
2. Enter the number of desired facilities, or incremental facilities for Next X
3. In "USING", select "Existing and Greenfield"
4. For service facility designate a type (warehouse or plant) or select an existing facility to serve as the model to be cloned
- If warehouse or plant are selected, the solver will create the designated number of nodes that have a SUPPLY capability for all products -- it is assumed that the user wants a one tiered model.
- If an existing facility is designated as the model, they solver will clone that facility so that all its inbound lanes and activities are
The selection of "Candidate List" will tell the solver what locations are allowed as solutions. The standard selection of "Starboard" means it will use Starboard's default list of metropolitan areas.
RESOLUTION: The greenfield solution will not check every single location in the world. Below is the current greenfield candidates maps: