Logility Network Optimization performs classic network design analysis using “continuous flow” simulation supported by its proprietary solver and a library of traditional solver technologies (LP, MIP, Heuristic).
- Unlimited number of tiers/paths
- Classic constraints – max flow, min flow, and “yes/no” by product
- Continuous running solving (user can add facilities or lanes, can enable/disable facilities/lanes, or click and drag nodes around and the solver will recompute the optimum flows)
- Fixed and variable costs
User Activated Solver Library: Access to any number of stock, custom, or user created solvers. Stock solvers include:
- Solve for any service facility
- Solve for best X facilities
- Solve for next best X facilities
- Solve or a target service level (and cost)
Here are just some of the use cases you can perform:
Classic Network Design Strategy
- Inbound/outbound flow optimization
- Distribution strategy
- Warehouse location selection
- Divestiture/Acquisition
- Logistics road map development
- Evolution road mapping
- Continuous Flow Simulation
Network Management/Maintenance
- Service time management
- 3PL selection/qualification
- Supplier selection
- Freight carrier selection
- Cost to Serve Analysis
- Sustainability Modeling (roadmap)
- Calculate and Optimize for Green House Gas Emissions (roadmap)
- Facility sizing and selection
- Cost vs. service analysis
- Zone skipping
- Omni-channel node planning
S & OP Support
- Disruption recovery and redirection
- Customer – DC matching
- Promotion planning
- Miscellaneous Analysis
- Employee drive time analysis
- Reverse site selection
- Field technician density hiring
- There are a lot of creative uses of Logility Network Optimization….